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전시: 위클리 위-클리 (2020)  
Exhibition: Weekly Weakly (2020) 
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안무를 위한 최소 조건을 ‘연약함’으로 상정하고, 매주(Weekly) 연약함을 나누는 (Weakly) 수행이 전시로 발전하게 된다. 위클리 위-클리는 안무를 위한 시적 공간이며 그 자체로 이미 공연적이다. 여성주의적 연약함의 23주 차 실천으로서의 전시(practice-as-performance)는 어떻게 3일 동안 공간에 옮겨질까?

기획. 장혜진

주최, 주관. He Jin Jang Dance

그래픽 디자인. 김동규

후원. 한국문화예술위원회, 문화체육관광부

베뉴. 온수공간, 한국

Weekly Weakly is a weekly laboratory for choreography and philosophy, where weakness is shared as the microhabitat (the minimum element) for dance. Weekly Weakly becomes a poetic framework, which is inherently performative. How will the 23rd week of weakness-sharing with feminist practice manifest at the gallery as practice-as-exhibition? 

Curated by He Jin Jang

Organized and Hosted by He Jin Jang Dance

Graphic Design by Dongkyu Kim

Supported by Arts Council Korea, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Korea, ONSU GONG-GAN

Venue. ONSU GONG-GAN, Korea​​​​

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